Our home can be a source of many interesting myths. Friends, family, and neighbors – they all have their own stories to tell, especially when the gloomy weather sets in. From leafy vegetables becoming unsafe to consume during monsoons to catching a flu by sitting under a fan or an air-conditioning unit after being drenched in rain, there are countless of rainy season myths that have been passed on from generations and told through time. Join us as we thoroughly check our favorites, and finally answer the question - which ones are fictional and which ones are facts?

Short circuits are more prevalent during the rainy season.
Nope. Short circuits happen due to the deterioration of the power cord or power supply equipment. Rainwater may damage the power supply to a short circuit when water makes way to its cord. Even small appliances, such as microwave ovens, can have faulty wiring. When this happens, you may observe that it is not heating or stops in the middle of cooking. Designed with different buttons and sensors, the Midea 20L Silver Digital Microwave Oven helps in minimizing short circuits with its programmable control panel that regulates heating options and prevents children, or anyone unfamiliar with it, operate the machine accidentally.
Short circuits are more prevalent during the rainy season.
Nope. During monsoon, we are often told to curb our ice cream cravings because it will make us sick. But the truth is, there’s no bad day for eating ice cream! If you get a cough or cold, it only means you were exposed to a viral infection. Eating your icy favorites has nothing to do with it unless they contain viruses. Satisfy your cravings all day, all night. The Midea 5 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezer provides an extra space to store your cool favorites, especially when the outpour is too heavy for a quick food run.

You can catch a cold from soaking in the rain.
Nope! By now, most people know that a cold virus causes a cold. But many still cling to the belief that going outside not properly dressed or getting soaked in the rain on a cold day will worsen the symptoms of a cold virus. This is also untrue. More people may get sick during the colder months, but the real reason behind this is proximity. People generally spend more time indoors, closer together, and touch hands or come in contact with coughing or sneezing more. So viruses tend to “make the rounds” and strike more people. It would help if you invest in a reliable Air Purifier that provides cleaner air by purifying your favorite spaces and capturing a wide range of harmful air pollutants. Take a look at the Midea Plasma Air Purifier here.

Chicken soup helps you recover from cold.
Nope, but not entirely. The truth is, any hot soup consumed while you are suffering from cold helps in speeding up the recovery process. Not only does a hot soup soothe a sore throat, but also reduces inflammation, helping you recover faster.
Now, make some of your favorite stew that’s truly perfect for the bed weather. Heat up your homely culinary passion and spread warmth around the table with the Midea 2100W Glass Touch Induction Cooker.
The Midea 2100W Glass Touch Induction Cooker has 6 Cooking Functions, Flameless Heating and Auto Safety Shut-off Feature, a perfect addition to your kitchen. Shop it now here.

Sitting under a fan or an air conditioning vent when drenched in the rain can give you fever.
Nope! Again, the one responsible for the infection, or in this case, the fever, is the virus, not the temperature itself. So go ahead and level up your cooling experience with the new Midea Pinnacle Inverter. Equipped with UV Pro Filter, it effectively removes 99.9% of bacteria with UV Light, so you can enjoy breathable cooling confidence. It also provides clean and fresh air with its 56 °C Sterilization that automatically disinfects your air-conditioner. Level up your protection and shop the Midea Pinnacle Inverter now!

Leafy vegetables are unsafe to consume during the rainy season.
Nope! Others believe that the humid temperature might lead to the development of germs in the vegetables. But this isn’t true. A thorough washing should remove any dirt and germs present on the vegetables’ surface.

Heat escapes your head when it’s cold.
The Truth: Not exactly. Many of us probably heard that we lose up to 40 percent of our body heat from our head. But the truth is, heat loss is dependent on what is exposed at the time you feel cold. If you have layers of clothing and only your head is exposed, then heat will go to your head. But if you have less clothing, heat loss is distributed all over your body.
A warm bath is an excellent way to keep your body temperature stable. Midea Digital Display Water Heater has an electronic flow sensor so that you only heat the water you need. Now you can enjoy a safe, soothing, and relaxing shower under any weather.

Rainy days can get you really down
Yes and no. While it can be true that bad weather can affect your emotions negatively, scientific research says the gloomy weather doesn’t significantly affect the mood for most people.
So when you see the dark, cloudy skies from your window, give yourself a break from imagining negative thoughts. Why not treat yourself with a cup of coffee to cheer up your senses?
Midea 1 Cup Coffee Maker is so easy to use, giving you that perfect morning with perfect brews regardless of what the weather will be.
While we all love to hear myths and stories, it is also essential to check for its factual basis. Do not let the rain take over your daily activities and bring you down. Slow down, stay warm, and relax. May these debunked myths make yourself at home while enjoying the best of the cozy rainy weather with a wide range of surprisingly friendly home solutions from Midea.